Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm Back From The Future

Just like crack I'm back after a long break. Long story short; I was trapped in the future. Surviving in post-apocalyptic rubble. Grew a rugged stubble/beard. Barely made it back alive.

In the future (much like in the movies) everything has gone underground. So far underground that the only source of food is 90's underground hip-hop backpackers. Hunting is done pretty similarly to turkey hunting today but instead of turkey calls you have to beatbox a couple of bars and then see what you can rustle up.

I really recommend brushing up on your skillz while you still can. Being that Japan is the only country to already experience a nuclear apocalypse, they're already ahead of the curve and are teaching this style of hunting to their school kids.

I played this clip of the police academy guy to some people in the future and they looked at me like I was Marty McFly doing a guitar solo at senior prom.

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